Monday, December 4, 2006

Poly-Butylene Plumbing

Poly-Butyl plumbing. Notice the gray tubing and plastic-looking plumbing valves.
Someone once thought this material was a good idea. Thousands of leaky pipes and dozens of class-action lawsuits later proved otherwise.
If you have this material, you may never have a problem. You are at risk of having a leak, perhaps a serious one. Plumbers know all about this material. Some even feel the risk is over-hyped and greatly exaggerated but Shell, Celanese and other large corporations paid out great sums of money to quell the masses and their lawyers. I do not feel the risk was over-hyped. I don't like the material. [I don't like plumbing at all but I would miss it greatly if I didn't have it.] You should consider replacing any of this material if you discover that you possess it.

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